Friday, May 2, 2008

Jon Krakauer’s Into The Wild Inspires Fashionista


Reading Jon Krakauer’s Into The Wild while partying in Vegas is an interesting experience. The novel is about surviving on the bare necessities, self-discovery and living to the fullest extent while Vegas is know for its wild partying, self-indulgences, and …living to the fullest extent.

I find it fascinating that dancing, laughing and drinking with my girlfriends gives me the same kind of juxtaposition of inner peace and excitement as feeling the breeze on my face in the mountains miles away from civilization. They both make me feel alive and liberated.

This doesn’t sound very fashion oriented does it? But it is. Often I get a similar emotion from an outfit I wear. A funky hat, a vintage tee, a fabulous dress will remind me of who I want to be or how I want to live. How can I feel stifled in life if I am wearing a short, colorful, breezy number with yellow feather earrings and faux lizard-skin heels? How can someone intimidate me if I am wearing a leather jacket?

Wearing a certain something-something can change your day, your mood, your mind. Do you want to feel romantic and sweet? Dress the part. Do you want to look like you don’t give a fuck? Dress the part. Maybe if you look it you’ll start to feel it, and then maybe be it. What is that saying, dress for the job you want? Well, I say dress for the life you want.

As a side note, I am sure both Jon Krakauer and Chris McCandless, aka Alexander Supertramp, would not care to read this blog.

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