Monday, July 14, 2008

fringe factor

Lately, I've been inspired by fringe. I love the flossy feel of it, and in particular, I love to dance in it (many hours have been spent watching 1920s film footage and practising Charleston-esque moves!) In the past, I considered fringe to be reserved for cowboys on Appaloosa horses, as well as the women in my family who wear lovingly custom-designed chaps and jackets on their motorcycles. As with any type of decoration, I still think that fringe is most attractive in moderation (unless you're dancing to smoking hot jazz, when more is definitely more), but I hope to see a touch of show girl on the streets this summer. If you're looking for DIY inspiration, Svenja Specht's spring collection for Reality Studio was influenced by a trip to Morocco, and features fringed accessories (the head decorations above are my favourite). If you really want to make people's eyes pop, you may be interested in the Roxy tights by bebaroque - with the lauding of Susie Bubble and Queen Michelle, I'm sure to see some fringed legs in the UK this fall.
A little gratuitous fringe action to get you in the mood...
(pink tights photo by Saga)

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