Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Birthday Wishlist

Now that Halloween is over and (almost) out of mind, it has occurred to me that my birthday is only a week away. While I frequently (more like constantly) say aloud "I want that," I'm currently drawing a blank when asked the question "What do you want for your birthday?". So it's time to narrow down the mighty and vast list of what I'm lusting after.

1. A low-key birthday party with my closest friends, thrown by someone other than myself. I've always wanted someone to throw me a party and nobody ever has. It would be so glorious to just be able to kick back and have fun on my birthday without the stress of planning a party for myself.

2. A Flickr pro account.

3. Vintage dresses in fall tones.

4. A subscription to NYLON magazine.

5. A manicure.

6. Slouchy berets and beanies.

7. A gift card to Best Buy.

8. An ice cream cake.

9. A bottle of Yago Sant'gria.

10. As long as I'm being completely unrealistic, I'll take one of these too.

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