Forget Harvard diplomas and years of political and business experience. Today, celebrities rule the world. How else can we explain Paris Hilton’s all-consuming fame, which was seemingly bestowed on her for nothing more than a well-executed pout and frequent use of the phrase “That’s Hot.” Nowhere is our society’s celeb-obsessed status more evident than on the World Wide Web, which is littered with hundreds of celebrity gossip and news sites. Here’s a list the top 100 places to scrounge up some celebrity hearsay.
Top Ten
These 10 sites are perhaps the most rock-solid and most visited celeb-focused blogs and news sites out there today. Bookmark these for your mainstays.
* indicates a site that may have questionable content (i.e. partial nudity, adult language)
- People: The website for this popular magazine offers daily celeb photo albums and breaking news headlines. It’s the most popular entertainment news site online, with a great section on the latest star styles and unique standing features, like the week’s best celebrity quotes.
- TMZ: TMZ began as a blog, but it has blossomed into one of the top resources for star gossip. Now, the company even has its own TV show now that follows around its paparazzi employees as they harass the stars. TMZ even organizes their information in appealing categories, like “Celebrity Justice,” “Fights,” and “Drunks.”
- US Weekly: A print magazine that can largely be described as eye candy, US Weekly’s website stays competitive with loads of celebrity gossip and photos. Using the same tactics as they do in the print edition, US Weekly’s website pulls people in with splashy headlines, little text and a focus on photos.
- Perez Hilton: Perez Hilton (real name Mario Armando Lavandeira) began blogging about celebrities “because it sounded easy.” Now he’s a celebrity himself and boasts one of the most-read celebrity blogs out there. Perez has made both friends and enemies in Hollywood. His sharp tongue and critic’s nature has led some stars to befriend him to keep their name out of his negative commentary.
- E! Online: This star-focused network has a detailed and an up-to-date website chock full of celebrity gossip. You can also stay updated on movie reviews and what’s scheduled to be on E in the coming days. E Online is a fun site that should definitely make your bookmark list.
- Starpulse: Starpulse is the “entertainment destination” for lots of gossip-hounds with 3.6 million monthly visitors. While the graphic design could use some help, the site is packed with headlines in every celebrity category imaginable.
- Access Hollywood: This TV show has expanded its gossip empire onto the web and has a thorough and well-frequented site. All of the show’s hosts, including President Bush’s cousin Billy Bush, maintain their own blogs where they can wax poetic on their personal opinions of Hollywood.
- DListed*: “Be afraid. Be very afraid.” That’s the tagline for this vicious gossip site that cuts slack for no star. Dlisted is run by a 28-year-old man named Michael K. who has even built a MySpace page around his beloved gossip blog.
- Popsugar: Boasting that it’s “insanely addictive,” Popsugar offers features that allow users to customize and personalize the site for themselves. Readers can busy themselves reading the frequent updates or taking celebrity pop quizzes. And check out the Giggle section for a round up of some hilarious non-celebrity Internet videos.
- A gossip site that has to have the most coveted URL in the world of celebrity journalism. Watch videos on demand, delivered from this site’s proprietor E.L. Woody, who’s been in the paparazzi business for decades.
Fashion and Body Focused
If all you really care about is what the celebrities are eating, wearing, or weighing check out these often not-so-nice sites that have their critical eye on fashion and body image.
- I’m Not Obsessed: A great blog for fashionistas with lots of star fashion pics. INO has separate sections for those interested in fitness, fashion or products. And vote on the stars’ styles in the Love it or Hate it section.
- Celebrity Fashion Watch: The name of this thorough blog says it all. Postings often include comparison photos of stars rocking two different looks – you decide which one is best!
- Jezebel: A feisty blog that sports the tagline “Celebrity, Sex, Fashion. Without airbrushing.” In the Snap Judgment section, bloggers make catty assumptions about celebs from bad photos; MagHag criticizes the print media’s take on the celebrity world.
- Couture Candy: You’ll find out what the stars are wearing, when they wore it, who made what they wore, and where you can get it too. This detailed site is so professional it looks like an online store. Browse styles by designer names using the sidebar menu.
- The Skinny: Read all about celebrity weight gain, weight loss, and body images at The Skinny. Peruse the appropriately divided sections for pics of the stars looking both skinny and flabby and then get inspired in the Celebrity Exercise section.
- Celebrity Baby Blog: Since babies are the latest trend in Hollywood, this blog is most appropriately filed under this sub-head. Find all the baby news you need with these insanely thorough posts, which include dates and times of star child births, full-blown birth announcements and play-by-play coverage of celebrity pregnancies.
- Barbie Martini: Dish on celebs, hot guys, and the latest handbags on this well-designed site that even lists great drink recipes.
- Egotastic!*: Egotastic is not entirely G-rated with its vigorous focus on sexy starlets, but it’s probably the straight male’s pick for celebrity news. Get your fill of stars in tiny bikinis and revealing tops on this site.
- The Superficial: Another site obsessed with how female stars are looking these days, it’s very aptly named. The Superficial isn’t interested in too much flattery, however, even referring to Fergie recently as an “anatomically correct wax statue – of a man.”
- Go Fug Yourself: Stars think they can get away with any outfit just because their famous. This blog disagrees. Dare to wear a ridiculous outfit in public and prepare to be burned by these critical bloggers.
- Batch Please!: A nice little rant about the latest trends in Hollywood. Batch Please! even provides links to the best and latest iems the stars are into, like Prada sneakers. Links to multiple designer websites are also provided – very convenient for those who like to shop.
- A Socialite Life: Gossip is served on this blog, which was originally founded by real-live socialite Miu von Furstenberg. These bloggers know what they’re talking about and have even established their own online TV station. Also, download their podcasts!
- Damn I’m Cute: A pretty easygoing celebrity blog that dubs itself everything celebrity “minus the ugly.” This blog posts discussion-sparking posts and is often linked to by other fellow bloggers.
- Popoholic: This blog and it’s pictures of scantily-clad starlets definitely caters to men. It’s like the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue all year long, with a nice daily round up of the hottest star pics.
- Hollywood Tuna: Get your fill of fit stars in skimpy swimsuits on this site. In fact you can get your fill of lady stars bending over, walking down the street or modeling the latest minidress – if it’s revealing it’s fodder for this site.
- The Bastardly: Body conscious rants are aimed at those who don’t meet The Bastardly’s definition of style and class.
Haters of the world unite! These bloggers love nothing more than to pick on the shortcomings and embarrassing public moments in the lives of our favorite stars du jour. Here’s a wager that these blogs will be heavy on the Britney Spears content – the material just keeps coming from that one.
- Hot Momma Gossip: A well-rounded site that likes to pick fun at all sorts of celebrity dramas. You can also shop or peep some new beauty products on this site. It’s also a great launching pad to other celeb gossip blogs – just check out the links under the friends section.
- CelebSlam: True to its name, this blog likes nothing more than to slam celebrity reputations. Consider this recent headline: “Paris Hilton is unbelievably retarded.” And if you know when a celebrity fell publicly, you’ll be able to find CelebSlam’s response using their well-organized archives.
- Celebrity Puke: A disgusting name for a site that’s not afraid to report the dirty details. It’s a simple site that’s linked in to all the hippest social networking sites.
- Celeb Warship: It’s all out war on the celebs on this snippy blog that understands the way to readers’ hearts is to keep things short and simple and load up on the photos.
- Celebrity Link: Your site to all the celebrity stories you could ask for, this site links you to 44,000 other celebrity blogs. Just search and you're there. Watch out, though, for the annoying pop ups and blinking ads.
- Wendy Wayrad: This female blogger calls herself “Hollywood’s voice of reason,” and her quirky comments lend wit and humor to run-of-the-mill stories. Also, check out her side menu of all the categories she covers – everything from asses to John Waters to The View. Wendy Wayrad has you covered.
- Celebrity Smack: “Smacking celebrities since 2004!” This blog even dishes on random celebs that have been all but deemed irrelevant by other bloggers.
- Bitten and Bound: This blog dishes on “the not so pretty side of Hollywood.” You can keep your priorities in order by electing to read the top headlines or follow the links for related stories about your favorite stars.
- Derek Hail: A male blogger with a snarky and sexual focus on Hollywood’s female elite. If he doesn’t find a star attractive, he will let you know it. Find his thoughts on everyone young, beautiful and not-so-beautiful in Hollywood.
- Lainey Gossip: This blogger has put a call out to all fellow “smuthounds” to join in on the trashtalk. The site also proves it has an intellectual side with links to recommended books and movies. Click on the “get Smut” button to have the blogs sent straight to your email.
- Gawker: This blog started out as a tool to bash media insiders and fellow reporters, but it quickly delved into the celebrity realm. Expect no niceties here. Gawker founder Nick Denton is a celebrity in his own right now and is even the financial force behind the uber popular site
- Glitterati: These bloggers just want to have fun and their smart, witty posts allow their readers to do the same. The simple graphic design of this site puts the focus directly on the smut being relayed. Weigh in with your own thoughts and peruse links to other gossip sites when you’re through.
- All About Nobodies: You’ve got to love a blog dedicated to harping on people who are famous for no reason. And one that admits to publishing both fact and conjecture. This is an all-time fave for it’s simple focus on the ridiculousness of Hollywood these days, where people can become famous for literally doing nothing.
- Agent Bedhead: A great round-up of celebrity news that goes beyond the main headlines to give you stories with a funny slant.
- Jossip: Jossip is so gossipy it claims to be the gossip’s gossip resource. Plus, it’s a hilarious read, and it follows TV newscasters and politicians with the same fervor as it does celebs.
- Evil Beet: Evil Beet is a sarcastically funny blog that’s pretty tough on celebrities, but, pleasingly, their witty delivery makes it all seem fair. The blog also has some creative ideas for sub-categories. Click on the Celebs ‘N’ Drugs Galleries for star confessions about their narcotics habits.
- Girls Talkin’ Smack: No shortage of smack talk here from these two blogging females. This site has a great layout – simple and easy to read.
- City Rag: A New York City-based blog that slings insults with all the furor of a Valley Girl. But this blogger also sometimes posts on things outside the celebrity world, like art, meaning readers can find some culture to go along with their smut and maybe alleviate some of their guilt for wasting brain cells.
- Yeeeah!: A blog that claims its only for “snarky people.”
- Bricks and Stones: If a blogger lives by the mantra that words can never hurt them, there’s no telling what verbal sparks will fly. But it’s not all drama on this blog. Recently, they posted four huge pics of Cameron Diaz trying on shoes in a department store. Not too exciting.
- Hollywood Backwash: According to these spicy bloggers, “celebrity gossip is a dish best served cold.” Keep your timelines straight by linking to the related stories offered after each post.
- Hollywood Offender: Another feisty site, another feisty tagline – “One bad deed deserves another” on this blog that doesn’t necessarily stand apart from the rest of Hollywood’s bloggers, but does offer thorough and well-written commentary.
- Mollygood: No matter your status on the star totem pole, you’re fodder for this blog that’s “splaying celebrities from the A- to the D-list.” This blog is a breath of fresh air with it’s smart and witty reflections on all things star related. Posts are unique and the gossip goes well beyond the top stories of the day.
- WWTDD: What Would Tyler Durden Do? is a blog (seemingly run by a guy named Tyler Durden) that makes fun of celebrities for fun. A lively blog with witty insight.
- Hollywood Headache: Another solid, grumpy round-up of migraine-producing celebrity news on this blog.
- CelebSlap: These bloggers pride themselves on getting out all the juice the celebs would rather not spill. A highly usable site, readers can even search for the news they want by typing it in. Read sections like, Fashion Police, Wannabees, and Xtreme Close-up, which fittingly features zoomed in detailed shots of all the stars.
General Interest
These sites don’t really subscribe to a specific slant. Well, sometimes they do, but in general they’re just interested in giving you the straight gossip and some detailed background information on the stars you love.
- Superior Pics: This pared-down site offers star bios and breaking news headlines.
- Celebrity Gossip: A site that compiles reports from fellow celebrity gossipers and is updated every five minutes. Readers can vote for their favorite stories and create their own Gossiper profiles. A highly interactive blog.
- Hollyscoop: A busy blog that covers celebrities, their upcoming projects, and their fashions. Sub categories allow readers to easily find what they’re looking for and the site even employs reporters to record TV news segments posted right on the home page.
- Hollywood Gossip: A general news blog heavy on the photos and the pop ups. But it does offer fun features like allowing readers to send in their own humorous captions for bad celebrity photos.
- Celebrity Rumors: Sometimes nice, sometimes not, Celebrity Rumors does have all the latest news and an arsenal of accompanying photos for each story. This blogger loves it when stars say and do stupid things.
- Celebitchy: Despite its moniker, Celebitchy is a pretty straight forward gossip site that presents information in a handy calendar format, so you know what happened when. Dig the Hot Posts sidebar on the left – it keeps readers up on the latest and greatest news. And there’s another impressive link section to other celebrity bloggers.
- Celeb Guru: No spiritual advice on this site, but there is a nice, healthy round-up of the latest celebrity news. Don’t expect to find any off-the-beaten-path stories here, though. Headlines are mostly culled from the blockbuster stories of the day.
- Gabby Babble: A steady stream of energetic blabber fills up this cute site. Easily a favorite, this site even ranks the best reader comments of the day and reports on gossip outside the celebrity world. And you can even join the Gabby Babble community and create your own profile!
- Allie is Wired: Judging by the title and the amount of posts, this blog is run by a highly caffeinated individual (s). There are tons of links to be found on this blog. And if you’ve always been told you’re a dead ringer for Amy Winehouse you’re in luck! The blog even sponsors its own celeb lookalike contest.
- Defamer: Defamer is a sassy well-rounded blog loved by all fellow celebrity bloggers. It’s hearty staff of seven contribute copy like it’s nobody’s business. Another site that allows users to register and create their own profiles.
- Pink is the New Blog: This great little site is run by a man named Trent who claims “everybody’s business is [his] business,” and his popular blog might soon just be giving Perez Hilton a run for his money. A great, thorough site that’s also a terrific read.
- The Bosh: A solid blog that posts headlines on everything to star-sightings at restaurants to stars that forget to wear underwear in public. Sometimes, though, the headlines could use some help. “Nicole Richie Out Running Errands” and “Ashlee Simpson Eats” don’t exactly compel further reading.
- Popbytes: A good round up of what other bloggers are saying, Popbytes also breaks exclusives. Also, it has a creative tagline: “When culture pops, I wipe it up.”
- FameTracker: Look up the fame record of any celebrity in history with this Almanac resource. More of an encyclopedia of celebrities than an actual news blog. Don’t expect to find pics of Ashlee Simpson eating here.
- Celebrity Babylon: A photo-heavy site that has sections for shopping, music, and fashion. The top features each day are organized in a very attractive way, and there’s a section everyone will love from gossip hounds to audiophiles.
- Flynet: Get loads of celeb photos on this blog run by two guys named Sam and Harry.
- Just Jared: A really upbeat blog bringing you the straight news about the stars. Again, a site that’s heavy on stories about stars talking runs and getting coffee, but really, I suppose we can’t expect a scandal every day of the week.
- Hollywood Grind: No secret is safe here on this standard news blog that keeps up with its competition, while not making too strong of a name for itself..
- ICYDK: In Case You Didn’t Know keeps readers informed on side stories other bloggers miss, gives loads of links, and takes a fun approach to their URL. Teenage texters will catch on immediately to the acronym.
- Gabsmash: Get your fill of celebrity news at Gabsmash and link to other celebrity gossip sites.
- Hollyweird Gazette: All the “sleazy celebrity news you can’t resist.” Actually, this site is a bit outdated. Here’s hoping the bloggers come back soon. In the meantime, it’s a useful place to link out to more current blogs.
- Snitch: Straightforward name, straightforward website. Don’t expect too many photos with your words, but you’ll get a good dose of the latest news. This site doesn’t have its own voice, but it does a great job of pulling together stories from blogs that do.
- YBF: “Celebrity gossip never looked so good” on this blog that covers every star that’s “Young, Black and Fabulous.” A great niche site with that employs good usage of catch phrases like Haterade in its headlines.
- We Smirch: A collection of all the latest reports from news outfits and blogs all over the web, We Smirch calls itself an “automatic dirt digger.” The complex site is well organized and presents many forums for reader discussion on the latest and greatest breaking news.
- Splash: The web’s premiere site for photos of all the stars.
Magazine and TV Shows
As has proven, celebrity news organizations that primarily categorize themselves as a publication or television show have shifted to the Internet with a vengeance. Here’s a list of some web counterparts for our favorite beach reads and prime time pleasures.
- OK! Magazine: A British tabloid that claims it’s “First for Celebrity News,” OK is known for its ability to garner rights to exclusive celebrity stories with its big payouts.
- Hello! Magazine: Hello! is OK!’s biggest rival in Britain and abroad and boasts a decently navigable site. Like OK!, Hello! offers up the big bucks to stars willing to give out exclusive information and photo rights. Check out the photo galleries, horoscopes and latest star quizzes.
- Best Week Ever: This VH1 show has a fun and informative Internet counterpart full of comedic puns. Contributors include many of the above mentioned bloggers. Also, find links to video and sign up to get mobile alerts on your cell phone!
- In Touch Weekly: One of US Weekly’s top competitors, In Touch shows it can keep up with snazzy headlines and exclusives. Warning, though, to all Brangelina haters – the couple often graces the cover of the magazine, as does Pitt’s ex Jennifer Anniston.
- Life Style: Life & Style tries to sell copies and gain website hits by one-upping its competitors in saturation of below-the-belt stories. Consider these recent sensational headlines: “Angelina trashes Jen” and “Where’s Suri? Missing for Eight Weeks!”
- Inside Edition: This entertainment news show takes a more balanced approach to celebrity news, both on air and on line. Catch it on the tube during the afternoon, depending on where you live. Check your local listings for times.
- National Enquirer: While mostly not true, the outrageous stories in the National Enquirer sure are entertaining.
- Star Magazine: Star delivers smut each week with features on stars looking and acting their worst. It’s stories are questionable at best, putting this publication in a category with the above mentioned tabloid. It’s latest scoop is that Lindsay Lohan is a lesbian. Hmmm.
- Extra: This cheesy news magazine show is hosted by Mark McGrath, the former lead singer of Sugar Ray and stays current with all the latest fluff. The on-air antics between McGrath and his co-host Dayna Devons are more irritating than entertaining, which is why this site comes in so handy. No audio!
Industry Focused
Maybe you want the star gossip on salaries, labor disputes, and career histories? Suit yourself. Keep abreast of the drier side of Hollywood with these industry resources.
- TunaFlix: A gossip site with a focus on the movie industry. A serious film site that latches onto the theory that sex sells with its provocative graphics.
- IMDB: The Internet Movie Database won’t give you too many juicy tidbits, but you can find detailed star bios, lots of pics, and full work histories for each star. T
- Variety: This industry newspaper may not tell you who Paris Hilton is sleeping with, but it will tell you how much she’s going to be making in her next up-and-bombing flick.
- Cinematical: A blog on all things cinema, the site is pretty understated, but very informative with all the latest movie trailers and reviews.
- Ain’t It Cool News: Self-professed and proven film geek Harry Knowles runs this detailed blog that has made quite a stir in the industry.
What?!? You prefer to get your news from credible journalists out of a real newspaper? Well, suit yourself. Actually, some of the biggest most respected papers in the country have some pretty decent gossip columns, so go ahead and get your dirt with dignity.
- New York Post: The Post’s Page Six is one of the most notorious newspaper gossip columns in history.
- New York Times: Yep, even the nation’s journalistic stalwart gets in on the gossip from time to time.
- Boston Globe: The Globe’s entertainment section is well-updated and the paper even has a spot for breaking news on its home page.
- Boston Herald: Like the Post, this tabloid newspaper has its own gossip column called the Inside Track, as well as a pretty substantial entertainment section.
- L.A. Times: Without a good gossip section, the L.A. Times would be put to shame. After all, Hollywood is its home turf.
- New York Daily News: The NYDN is another saucy tabloid gossip column that gives Page Six a run for its money.
- Washington Post: The Post doesn’t play up celebrities in its front pages, but politicians and their relationships with Hollywood keep this paper competitive.
- San Francisco Chronicle: SF Gate’s Daily Dish column is pretty juicy.
- Chicago Tribune: This big city paper has an equally big entertainment section.
* indicates a site that may have questionable content (i.e. partial nudity, adult language)
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