Thursday, June 26, 2008

Freya Daisy

It's getting awfully hot here at Intimate Guide headquarters. It may not officially be summer, but with temperatures in the 90's, it sure does feel like it. That's why we've decided to go with something “summery” for this week's Frilly Friday selection.

Now when you think of summer, you probably think of sun showers, flowers, frozen drinks, swimming pools and melons...the kind you the table.

Errr, and that's what the colorful Freya Daisy collection makes us think of - watermelons. The green (officially lime) and fuscia color palette of the daisy collection is quite “summery” indeed. The Freya Daisy Plunge Bra is an unlined, seamed underwire bra. It is primarily composed of ultra sheer mesh decorated with fun polka dots. A satin ribbon with a rosebud applique decorates the non-stretch center gore. The thong is also primarily ultra sheer mesh with a satin bow and rosebud applique with a keyhole in the back. Floral embroidery decorates the front near the waist.

While the Freya Daisy collection looks nothing like a daisy, we'll forgive the lingerie namers. After all, daisies are a summer thing and so is this collection. The great news is that even if your breasts are the size of water melons, Freya has got a Daisy bra for you. Happy Friday!

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