Sunday, June 15, 2008

Savvy Shoppers Use Savvy Circle

Have you ever browsed your favorite online shops but cringed at some of the prices? If you're like me, then you've waited for your favorite things to go on sale and perhaps you've even wished for a virtual shopping assistant who could alert you when items on your wish list go on sale. To solve this dilemma, three siblings joined forces to create Savvy Circle, a site which allows you to save items to your shopping list and then emails you with a link back to the item when it goes on sale. All you have to do is log in, add the Savvy Circle button to your browser, and click one of the 100+ links to begin shopping. With sites such as Amazon, Yoox, Zappos, Target, Nieman Marcus, Pink Mascara, Intermix, and Free People, you're sure to be asking yourself how you ever lived without Savvy Circle. To create your free account and begin shopping like a pro, click here.
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