Sunday, June 1, 2008

High Fashion Haiku Sonnet

I have the best readers ever, seriously. Delilah wrote this sonnet for her high school English class, and if she doesn't get an A, I will happily visit her school to throttle the teacher:

Ode to Christian Louboutin (And His Shoes)

Thine red soled slippers doth my heart swoon

My closet doth yearn for thy chic style

Even though heels make my ankles break soon

For you, love, I'd march more than a mile

Black patent leather are quite a classic

With a peep-toe, or not is your option

Yet thy price is longer than Jurassic

I sincerely hope for your adoption

Should a miracle happen, such as that

I would do a very big happy dance

See? I love you just as much as my cat

Thy geniosity must hail from France

And although you may not know my name or face

Should I grade thee, t'would surly be an ace

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